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We provides KL door step gel manicure & pedicure service or in household method. Nails polish is from Korean Branded Gel Colours < Gelly Fit >. (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡

据美容调查显示,最能集中人的视线的除了女人的脸之外,就是女人的手了,所以说手是女人的第二张脸。想要让您的气质个性更突显, 指甲彩绘可帮到您。

所以我们提供指甲彩绘服务,是提供上门服务或住家式, 用的是韩国著名指甲凝胶油 Gelly Fit. 有颗帮您将指甲个性化的心. (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡

According to a research of beauty care, the thing that attracts attention to a women other than her face is her hand. Therefore, hand could be said as women's second face. If wish to strengthen your personality and charm, nails design is your choice.

Therefore, we provides kl door step nails manicure & pedicure service or in household method. Nail polish is from Korean Branded Gel Colours <Gelly Fit>.  Have a sincere heart in personalising your nails


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